




文章内容:2 Gu Xia weapons plus 2 Fire Dragon Eggs are equal to the best fire dragon weapons. Synthetic conditions of the hero 传奇私服装备补丁equipment : 2 cutting-edge pieces, 2 synthetic stones, 160,000 ingots of jewelry, 320,000 clothes and weapons, hero head bracelets into thunder dragon bracelets, hero necklaces into thunder dragon necklaces, hero medals into thunder dragon medals, heroes Helmet synthetic thunder dragon helmet, male bully should bring synthetic thunder dragon belt, male bully boots synthetic thunder dragon boots, male bully clothing male synthetic bronzing armor, male bully female synthetic bronzing suit, male bully weapon synthetic Korean version of the killer demon legendary Thunder Dragon Sacred Slash, Domination Paralysis Synthesize Domination Paralysis, Domination Body Protector Synthesis Domination Body Protection, Domination Resurrection Synthesize Domination Resurrection, Domination Stone Synthesize Thunder Dragon Stone, Domination Hat Synthesize Thunder Dragon Hat. Bring the trigger: 2 times the attack, with a broken body, the purchase of the god stone requires 2 million points plus 2 million yuan, I want to buy it, the promotion of the god stone requires the Korean version of the second kill legend 2 times the attack god stone and 10 synthetic stones, the equipment can be in The latest sf Killing Devil mobile game legendary map broke out, each reincarnation gains attribute points, 1-5 times attack, 11-20 rolls completely free of fee, 11-40 rolls,传说中的土地,三张万劫连击传奇宏伟的地图,全部免费,怪物们戴着他们使用的任何连击传奇发布网装备。权情天下掉落权情人官方网站游戏装备,官方武士魂世界武士装备,尖端世界暴力和尖端装备的武侠韩版官方网站,游戏保证完全暴力,一阵子 不要灰心,只要打架,惊喜就在眼前,西瓜宝盒可以使用50次,每次可以画5个大西瓜,大西瓜可以得到6片西瓜。



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